Saturday, 10 September 2011

Day 40 - 'Chiller night'

Friday, 9th September 2011

It was a pretty chilly night in the stalkers shed even though the chiller was switched off! Nevertheless, the wonderful kitchen next door in the holiday cottage made sure the team enjoyed a very civilised breakfast in the morning at a kitchen table rather than the usual plastic bowl full of cereal out of the van!

They headed off on their roadbikes with Tom Elliott and Becky also on theirs. They headed down some very scenic lanes with breathtaking scenery. Unfortunately it was too dark appreciate their surroundings at that time of the morning, but they enjoyed a day of views once the sun had risen.

Both Alex and Tom are in good spirits but their limbs are really feeling it now. In the morning they climbed 4 munros: for two soldiers of the Mercian Regiment, the team climbed Sgurr na Ruaidhe, dedicated to Pte Jason Williams and Carn na Gobhar for Sgt Michael Lockett MC. They dedicated the two further munros: Sgurr a'Choire Ghlas and Sgurr Fuar-Thuill to Tpr Jack Sadler of the Honourable Artillery Company and Marine Stephen Birdsall respectively.

The support team met them with their lunch and the roadbikes, luckily on time: driving between the various rendezvous points takes frustratingly long due to the lack of direct roads!

After a quick pit stop and a short cycle down to a power station, the team headed on up Carn na Gobhar - in honour of the Irish Guards and Sgurr na Lapaich - in remembrance of Irish Guardsman LSgt Mark Burgan. For the Coldstream Guards they continued on to climb An Riabhachan - personally dedicated to LCpl James Hill and An Socach. It was an extremely long day especially as the terrain was so boggy and the weather very wet.

Meanwhile Lewis and Ceri drove Bonnie and Henry up to some sheilings for a wild camp. It was a particularly wild off road track which Ceri and Lewis negotiated very well, especially the very narrow bridges, which only just allowed the 4x4 to pass.

Becky and Lucy meanwhile headed up to a rendezvous point to meet the team as they came off the final munro. It was incredibly boggy so really it was very important that the support team recce'd a route back for them and negotiated a river crossing along the way. Fortunately there was a wire across the river!

The team finished much later than anticipated at 0230. Bonnie did a wonderful job cooking supper for the 5 of them when they came back. Sadly the team had to be up for a 0700 start (pushed back an hour after the late finish).

End of Day 40 - the team has now climbed 238 munros and have raised £32,577.75 for our two chosen service charities - BLESMA and SAAFA. As the team reach the final week of their challenge please encourage donations to the Virgin Money Giving Site.

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