This morning the team were up and out by 0700 and the day started with a road bike to a power station (with a visitor centre!). Once there they then had a steep ascent to a dam which had to be mounted by ladder. The first Munro of the day was Ben Cruachan, which was very kindly sponsored by Claire Neilson. All of the Munros the team climbed today were dedicated to The Royal Marines. This was completed on time, with stunning views of mist and more mist. The climbers then continued to walk along the ridge top which was intermittently broken up by some nice scrambling to the top of the second Munro, Stob Daimh, which was sponsored by Colonel A.K Miller. The drop off the top of Stob Daimh was very boring and led them to the bottom of the valley. As the team dropped down they had an ominous view up through the grey swirling mist toward the dark defined profile of Munro number 3.
Beinn a'Chochuill, and the fourth Munro of the day Beinn Eunaich, were sponsored by seafreedomkayak. It was Tony from seafreedomkayak who very kindly joined the climbers for their crossing of the sound of Mull on the 1st day of the Mission. Upon summiting Beinn a'Chochuill, there was little to be seen except more mist. However on route to Beinn Eunaich, the team had to walk along a wide, winding, windswept ridge (try saying that one fast!) On this ridge they met a lovely couple who were very interested in DecAid, and promised to donate, so thankyou!
On the summit of Beinn Eunaich the team were lucky enough to have clear blue skies and great views (only joking, more mist) before hopping onto mountain bikes. The mountain bikes were exchanged for road bikes and the team had a 30 KM bike ride to the Bridge of Orchy. This ride felt especially nippy due to the presence of an STV camera crew! Upon arrival at their destination, The Bridge of Orchy hotel, the team discovered that they were allowed to stay a night in the hotel for free which was absolutely fantastic! They couldn’t quite believe their luck and tucked into a delicious dinner at around 2000. So despite what was quite a dull day up on the hill, the team went to bed with smiles on their faces!
Below is a glimpse of the Glencoe area which the team will be approaching on Friday. Despite it being very mountainous and steep, they are very excited as its beauty and fantastic walking makes it their favourite place. Becky and Tom Elliott were doing a recce today so that they are well prepared for the tough long days to come.

But before then the team will reach the halfway point in the Munro Mission so watch this space!
End of day 24 - 135 Munros climbed.
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